Nature Sex Understanding
In nature, sex has been inherent in living beings. Brought living creatures since he was born until his death. Which means the creature has the nature of sex in her life. Both in terms of gender, nor in the sense of an intimate relationship of two lovers.In nature, sex has the same basic pattern with different descriptions, depending on how the workings of their respective perceptions. Noisy, quiet, many motode, simple, delicious, happy, sad, happy, disappointment and so forth, on the minds of each perpetrator sex. To remember sex, nature is a sex or relationship between the sexes.
In nature, sex is easy. Easy to be interpreted, easy to do. It's easy to feel, easy to enjoy. But in a sense it is sometimes difficult to define because it involves the sense and feeling. Difficult to accept the circumstances, the barriers of views on the nature of sex.
Trying to think of nature, sex is simple, fundamentally, logically should be acceptable to every creature.
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