Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sex Nature for Ejaculation glance

Sex Nature for Ejaculation glance
Ejaculation a never-ending discussions to be discussed, to further warm the relationship of husband and wife.
  • What is sex,
  • What is ejaculation,
  • Why can until ejaculation,
  • How does the impact of ejaculation on the body, for the relationship of husband and wife, for the life of the household.
Ejaculation one package of discussion about sex and ejaculation learning. a discussion based on experience, a lot of practice naturally experienced in married life. In the discussion of the possible existence of instability Ejaculation skewer with conditions, the atmosphere in the household, so that its application is less suitable. Therefore, criticisms and suggestions are expected to add insight to the discussion Ejaculation more flexible and easily accepted.

Articles contained in the form of blogs Ejaculation special articles and still is personal, so the lack serasian in applying the methods that may lie therein, can not be applied in different conditions and atmosphere, this is who we apologize profusely to visitors blog Ejaculation.
article resources : ejasex selayang pandang

Sex Nature for Adolescent Sexual Knowledge

Sex Nature for Adolescent Sexual Knowledge, understanding the differences between men and women alone, physically. Behavioral differences in detail, the emergence of a desire to have each other, love, love.
The differences between men and women physically, due to the different functions of each of these physical differences.

Mustache and beard in men.
The growth of mustache and beard in the male serves to distinguish physically visible, so that facial features can be distinguished from one gender to male or female.

Hips and breasts in women.
Although sometimes not obvious in some women, hip women generally equals or exceeds the width of his shoulders. This is because the function of the woman's hips to hold back the swelling of the stomach while pregnant.
Female breasts have a tendency of greater than man's breast. This is because women have breast tissue to produce milk for consumption birth to a baby who will.

Male and Female genitalia.
Have different shapes, it can be studied in biology, which deals with human reproduction equipment.
Sex woman's womb has a hole in the appliance Sex, which serves to remove a baby from the womb of a woman.
Male genital shaped like a rod or tube which has the function of one of them is the flow of sperm cells.

Male and Female Reproductive.
Women have a uterus in which there is an egg cell, which would be the formation of a baby.
While men have sperm that is used to fertilize female egg cells.

Women experiencing menstruation every month, it indicates the beginning of the reproductive process, the formation of egg cells in the womb of a woman's uterus and thrown out in the form of blood if the egg is not fertilized by the male's sperm cells.
source article : Pengetahuan Seks untuk Remaja

Sex Nature for Youth

Sex Nature for Youth
Youth the key to the implementation of relationship desires that are not desired or wanted. Caution against any decision to bring on a policy for youth. Knowledge of Sex or Sex for Teenagers need as basic knowledge in making a wise decision.
source article : Seks untuk Pemuda

Sex Nature for Kids

Sex Nature for Kids
Sex for Kids, just knowledge about the human sexes, differences in behavior, the physical differences between men and women.
Difference between the sexes is a boon for mankind to always love each other with love and affection.
From the difference between the sexes is the meeting of parents, father and mother, thus giving birth to a baby who grew into a child, youth and adults which will replace the role of parents.
source article: Seks untuk Anak

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Nature Sex Understanding

Nature Sex Understanding
In nature, sex has been inherent in living beings. Brought living creatures since he was born until his death. Which means the creature has the nature of sex in her life. Both in terms of gender, nor in the sense of an intimate relationship of two lovers.

In nature, sex has the same basic pattern with different descriptions, depending on how the workings of their respective perceptions. Noisy, quiet, many motode, simple, delicious, happy, sad, happy, disappointment and so forth, on the minds of each perpetrator sex. To remember sex, nature is a sex or relationship between the sexes.

In nature, sex is easy. Easy to be interpreted, easy to do. It's easy to feel, easy to enjoy. But in a sense it is sometimes difficult to define because it involves the sense and feeling. Difficult to accept the circumstances, the barriers of views on the nature of sex.

Trying to think of nature, sex is simple, fundamentally, logically should be acceptable to every creature.

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